Referencing and citing


Get started with EndNote

  • Organise and keep track of your references
  • Get unlimited storage
  • Generate in-text citations or footnotes, and a reference list in Microsoft Word
  • Attach PDFs

A cloud-based service Endnote Online comes with the full version of Endnote Desktop. Your references are stored on the cloud rather than on your computer. Register with Endnote Online to sync across multiple computers.

Using EndNote

How do I get a copy of EndNote on my personal computer?

  1. Go to the Student Downloads or Staff Downloads website. Students will need to enter their email address as
  2. Download the installation files for either EndNote 21 for Mac or EndNote 21 (Windows), to suit your computer operating system.
    1. Select the software version you need.
    2. Read Step 1 - Licence Agreement.
    3. Take note of Step 2 - Installation Instructions, you may need to refer to them later in the process.
    4. Save the downloaded installation file to your computer in a folder that you can easily locate later. You must save it in a folder that does not sync to a cloud storage service. See below "Where should I save my Endnote Library?" 
    5. When the file download is complete, you can close the software Downloads website and close your web browser.
  3. On your computer open the folder where you saved the downloaded installation file, and...
    • For Windows
      Right-click the downloaded zipped (compressed) folder, and select Extract All... (or Unzip).
      View the extracted files, and double-click ENX9Inst.msi.
      Follow the installation instructions on screen.
    • For Macintosh
      Double-click the downloaded file EndNoteX9SiteInstaller.dmg.
      Follow the installation instructions on screen.
  4. Open EndNote. In the drop-down menus find, and implement, the check for EndNote updates. Your EndNote desktop version is ready to use when the updates are complete.
  5. To keep your computer tidy, open the folder where you saved the downloaded installation file and delete the downloaded installation file(s). You do not need these files after the installation process is complete.

Contact Digital Solutions for help with installation.

How do I get a copy of EndNote on my University computer?

All University student and staff computers have the desktop version of EndNote available. If it is not yet installed on the computer you use, select it from the VUW Software Centre.

Contact Digital Solutions for help with installation.

Where should I save my EndNote Library?

Important: Keep your EndNote Library on your computer's local hard drive. You must save it in a folder that does not sync to a cloud storage service such as Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive. Using your EndNote Library saved on a network or cloud storage drive will cause poor performance and corrupt your EndNote Library.

  • On your personal computer, save your EndNote Library to your computer C:drive. You might like to create a folder on the C:drive just for your EndNote Library. Sync to EndNote Online or manually keep local back-up copies.
  • On a University computer, add a folder on the D:drive. Personalise the folder name so you can identify it as your EndNote folder. Save your EndNote Library in this folder. The University's Digital Solutions will not back-up the D:drive so you need to sync to EndNote Online or manually keep back-up copies.
  • Online back-up and access EndNote Online is the only safe cloud storage and online access for your EndNote Library.

How do I manually add a reference?

  • Open your EndNote library 

  • On the EndNote toolbar, select References > New Reference. This will open the template to add a new reference. Alternatively, click on the New Reference icon  or use Ctrl+N 

  • Select the Reference Type required from the drop-down menu at the top

  • Enter the appropriate information for the resource - use the mouse or tab to select the desired fields

  • To save the reference, select File > Save or Ctrl +S or close the window by clicking on the small x in the top right corner

  • Video tutorial  

How do I add a reference from a database?

You can automatically export references into EndNote from most library databases. A general tip is to find the ExportDownload or Save citation and choose the RIS format or EndNote option. For specific information on how to add references from particular databases refer to Saving references from databases below.

How does EndNote Click help?

You can export both a references RIS file and PDF from EndNote Click (formerly Kopernio). Look for the View PDF option

You can download the RIS file to your computer (when using this feature, have your EndNote Library open). 

Video tutorial

How do I add full-text PDFs to my references?

Attach PDFs manually
  • Click on the reference. Click on the Summary tab on the right of the screen and then the +Attach File button. 
  • Find the PDF on your computer, and click Open.
  • Note that EndNote automatically creates a copy of the PDF, you can delete the one saved to your computer.
Add references using EndNote Click
  • References added from EndNote Click automatically include attached PDFs. See Add references.
Import using 'Find Full Text' function
  • In EndNote, go to Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text
  • Add the following URL to Open URL Path and Authenticate with: URL
  • Click Apply and then OK
  • In your EndNote library, highlight the references you want to find the full-text of, click on References > Find Full Text > Find Full Text
  • You should be directed to the VUW Library page, log-in if required
  • When this process is finished, a paperclip symbol will show next to the reference
  • Note: this only finds full-text to which VUW Library has access. Not all references will be available as PDFs (e.g. print books)

See Attaching PDFs and Find Full Text in EndNote 21

Can I use EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW) using Office 365, SharePoint and Google Docs?

Note: Cite While You Write only works with Word Desktop App, not the Word web browser interface. More information

How do I insert citations into my Word document?

Open both your EndNote library and your Word document

To add a single citation:
  • Navigate to the EndNote tab in the Word toolbar
  •  Click on 'Insert Citation' on the left
  • Keyword search for your citation 
To add multiple citations at once:
  • Open the EndNote window
  • Select the references you would like to add to the Word document
  • Return to Word, and click on the drop down arrow in the 'Insert Citation' button
  • Select 'Insert Selected Citation(s)'

Note that this will also start building your reference list at the end of your Word document

Regularly unformat citations especially if working on a large document over months. This avoids corruption when editing in Word. Under Convert Citations and Bibliography, choose Convert to Unformatted Citations. 


How do I edit the format of the in-text citation?

To exclude an author or year:
  • Right-click on the in-text citation
  • Select 'Edit Citation(s)'
  • Select the option to exclude either author, year, or both
To add page numbers:
  • Right-click on the in-text citation
  • Select 'Edit Citation(s)'
  • Select 'More...'
  • Add page numbers to the Pages section of the pop-up window and click 'OK'

How do I edit the details of the citation?

  • Find the reference in your EndNote library
  • Make the changes to the information and then save (Ctrl + S)
  • Return to Word document and click on 'Update Citations and Bibliography' in the EndNote tab in the Word toolbar

Why is EndNote Online so handy?

EndNote Online allows you to:

  • backup your EndNote Library to the cloud
  • sync your EndNote Library across multiple computers.

How do I set up EndNote Online?

On campus - register directly online
  1. Open EndNote Online sign in webpage.
  2. Register for a new account (ignore the Institution login option and set up a new account using an email address of your choice). If you have a Web of Science account you can sign in using those details.
  3. Follow the registration instructions on screen.
Anywhere - use EndNote sync in University licenced EndNote desktop software
  1. Download and install a University licenced copy of the EndNote desktop software. See How do I get a copy of EndNote on my personal computer?.
  2. Follow Set Up EndNote Sync instructions to register using an email address of your choice.

Once registered you can sign in to EndNote Online from any device, anywhere with an internet connection.

How do I set up EndNote sync?

Initial set-up
  1. Follow Set Up EndNote Sync instructions. Enter your EndNote Online account details. While syncing, in EndNote check the left side navigation Sync Status and monitor the numbers recorded for Local Library and Online Library – sync is complete and successful when the numbers match. Sync can take a long time for large Libraries and Libraries with lots of file attachments.
  2. In EndNote preferences for the sync function select Automatically sync to continue to sync your local EndNote Library to EndNote Online.
Sync to another computer or restore from EndNote Online back-up
  1. In desktop EndNote open a new, empty EndNote Library. Give it a different name to distinguish it from other copies of your EndNote Library. Do not try to re-use an existing EndNote Library - you will ruin your online copy. You must use a new, empty Library.
  2. Use the Sync button , or in the menu select Library > Sync. In the pop-up window enter your EndNote Online account details and select OK.
  3. All references, file attachments, and groups will be synchronised to your new desktop EndNote Library.
  4. In EndNote preferences for the sync function select Automatically sync to continue to sync this local EndNote Library to EndNote Online.

Any future changes to the Library will sync between EndNote Online and all linked desktop EndNote Libraries.

Saving references from databases

  • Search Te Waharoa. Find the reference you want to save and select the three dots

  • Select the ENDNOTE/RIS option 
  • Select DOWNLOAD
  • Click to open the downloaded RIS file
  • The record will open in your EndNote library and you can check the details and add any additional information that may be useful to you

Set your Google Scholar preferences

  • Go to the Google Scholar home page
  • Click on the three horizontal bars in the upper left-hand corner ​​​​
  • Click on Settings 
  • Under the heading Bibliography manager, use the drop-down options to select Show links to import citations into EndNote 
  • Save your settings

Save references to EndNote

  • After performing a search, click on the Import into EndNote link for the reference you want to import
  • Open the EndNote import file that saves to your computer. This will add the reference to your EndNote library
  • In your EndNote library, open the reference, check the details and add any additional information that may be useful to you

See Browser Actions with Direct Export for additional browser-specific instructions

You can save multiple reference at the same time directly from your ProQuest search results list.

  • Search ProQuest, select from your results all the references you want to save to your EndNote library
  • Open the Save link and select RIS (works with EndNote, Citavi, etc)
  • In the Export/Save pop-up box select your desired options, ensure that Output to RIS (works with EndNote, Citavi, etc) is displayed, and Continue
  • Wait for the Request complete confirmation message then download the RIS file
  • Open the RIS file that was saved to your computer. This adds the references to your EndNote library
  • In your EndNote library, open each reference in turn, check the details and add any additional information that may be useful to you

See Browser Actions with Direct Export for additional browser-specific instructions

You can save multiple reference at the same time from PubMed using the Send to > Citation Manager.

PubMed works with EndNote Click so you can export both a references RIS file and PDF. Look for the View PDF option

Direct Export from PubMed instructions

See also Importing Citations from PubMed into EndNote 21

You can save multiple references at the same time from Scopus using the My List feature.

  • In your Scopus search results, select from the numbered list all the references you want and then, at the top of the results list, select Add to List.
  • In the pop-up message, open the View or manage your list link to view a list of your selected references.
  • Select all the references in your list and, at the top of the list, open the Export link.
  • Select the RIS Format export method, and select any additional details you want to save to EndNote, then Export to download your references as an RIS file.
  • Open the RIS file that was saved to your computer. This adds the references to your EndNote library.
  • In your EndNote library, open each reference in turn, check the details and add any additional information that may be useful to you.

See Browser Actions with Direct Export for additional browser-specific instructions


Support for using EndNote is through Clarivate. The support services they offer for EndNote deal with 

  • Product support
  • Technical support
  • Customer and account support

Email You can expect a response within 24 hrs Monday to Friday

Phone: 0800 443 162 Monday to Friday 9am-7pm

If you require any help with installing EndNote, you can contact the University's Digital Solutions.