Covers topics such as initiating the marketing process, developing marketing strategies, understanding buyers and markets, targeting marketing opportunities, and managing successful products, services, and brands, offering valuable insights into building effective marketing plans and implementing interactive and multichannel marketing approaches.
Examines various marketing strategies and consumer behavior changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, covering topics such as brand engagement, consumer trust, analytics-based marketing decisions, omnichannel strategies, and the role of nonprofits in contingency environments.
Browse academic journals to keep up to date with the most recent literature. Some of the top marketing journals are:
Develops and disseminates knowledge about real-world marketing questions useful to scholars, educators, managers, policy makers, consumers, and other societal stakeholders around the world. It is the premier outlet for substantive marketing scholarship.
Devoted to the study and improvement of marketing and serves as a vital link between scholarly research and practice by publishing research-based articles in the substantive domain of marketing.
Theoretical, empirical and case-based research geared to the needs of marketing scholars and practitioners researching and working in industrial and business-to-business markets.
A bimonthly, peer-reviewed journal that strives to publish the best manuscripts available that address research in marketing and marketing research practice, striving to appeal to the professional in marketing research.
Aimed at both international marketing/business scholars and practitioners at senior- and mid-level international marketing positions, the journal's prime objective is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in international marketing.
Use these journal quality lists to browse for top journals in your area of research: