Edit list readings
Click on the three vertical dots next to a reading to open the edit item menu:
To edit the information about a reading (such as title, date, URL, and more), select Edit
To delete a reading, select Delete
To add custom text for an individual reading (for example to provide reading instructions), select Note for students
Edit list structure
To edit the location of a reading or section in your list you can
Anytime you edit a list a yellow banner will appear:
Click Publish to ensure any changes made to a list are visible in Nuku
If you are using the same list and in the same trimester as last year you do not need to do anything as the list will automatically rollover. Just check your list is how you want it and click publish.
You will still need to attach the list to your course in Nuku - see Display list in Nuku (Canvas)
If you are reusing a list from the previous year but in a different trimester, you will need to edit your list details.
You can also reuse a past list. Search for the list in Talis
First change the applicable time period (trimester and year):
When reusing a list make sure to check for any print digitisations - you will need to re-request any past digitisations as they will have expired:
You can also choose to invite additional users to manage the list (note: only one person can be the list owner):