1. Find the link to the book via Te Waharoa or your reading list
2. To access the eBook, click the drop down and select; "Not listed? Click here."
3. Enter your VUW email address, this will be your username and then "@myvuw.ac.nz" and click "Let's Go"
If that works, you should go straight to the eBook. If you have registered in the past, you will need to login with your student email address and password. There is a ‘Forgot password’ option to click onto and check your student email address here. Then login with your email and password. Any issues, try re-clicking the reading list or Te Waharoa link.
O'Reilly eBooks include a progress bar. The time given at the top of the reading pane is an estimate of how long it will take users to read the rest of the book. Each eBook start page shows estimated time to complete:
Reading pane view gives remaining reading time estimate and coloured progress bar across the top:
1. To print from the eBook, first you need to adjust the font size and layout. Click on the Aa icon on the top right.
2. Increase the font size and layout size by sliding the two bars to the right.
3. Right click on the book and click print.
4. Select your printer and print.
Follow the above instructions as printing, but instead of selecting a printer, click print/save to PDF.
If you need extra support, get in contact with your Subject Librarian, or email subject-librarians@vuw.ac.nz