The publications of individuals can be ‘rolled up’ into groups of researchers and metrics applied. This process uses the functionality of bibliometric databases but often requires the user to manually compile the group from institutional data.
SciVal is one database where a research group can be complied using Scopus profiles and the publication data analysed using the SciVal range of metrics. Analysis can be added to reports or pre-established templates used.
There are many variables associated with compiling groups (i.e currency and accuracy) and it is best to ask Research Services for advice before doing this.
At the institutional level Scopus, SciVal and Dimensions have default data sets for institutions that can be analysed and compared with other institutions within the database.
For example, SciVal contains modules that provide an overview of the bibliometrics of an institution, collaboration between institutions and benchmarking that uses sophisticated metrics to analyse datasets.
Some databases, such as Dimensions, make their Application Programming Interface (API) freely available for expert analysis and data visualisations. Talk to a Research Services Librarian if you require advanced analysis.