Thesis Self Deposit - Help & Support

Select Collection

You will first be asked a series of questions related to your thesis, please read and answer carefully.

Currently we only accept thesis through Self Deposit that can be published in the university's Open Access repository.  

If your thesis is able to be deposited using self deposit, the following dialogue will be displayed:

Select Collection Dialogue

You cannot deposit using Self Deposit under these circumstances:

  • The thesis has not been examined and finalised
  • The thesis has permission from the Faculty of Graduate Research to be withheld
  • The thesis has third party content that has not been cleared, and copy with the content redacted has not been create

If you do not have clearance for all third party content you are asked to supply two copies of your thesis. The first will have all third party content you do not have clearance for redacted. The second will be un-redacted.

Also you must redact any personal contact details and signatures (in any part of the thesis; even in ethics approval letters).