When searching a research database (including Google Scholar) it’s useful to know how to search effectively. Using an advanced search and Boolean operators; AND, NOT, OR will help. See a short Youtube video on how to use AND, NOT, OR when you search.
Search strategy example; (unstable OR deteriorating OR acute) AND patient AND (elderly OR older OR aged)
“Phrase searching”, this is using quote marks. For example, searching “theory of mind” with the quotation will only show results of this exact phrase.
Truncation * is useful to find words with different endings. Commonly using the asterisk symbol, but this may change depending on the database. Going to the help page and searching truncation, will specific what symbol to use. For example, for child* = child, childs, children, childrens, childhood OR genetic* = genetic, genetics, genetically
Wildcard is for replacing a single character. For example, wom?n will retrieve woman or women
After identifying keywords and then searching a database you can use filters to limit your results to specific resource types and to publication date when necessary.
How can organisations support their employees to achieve sustainability goals?
Watch this 18 minute video for a demonstration of search filters, phrase searching and subject headings